I was out grocery shopping last Saturday and noticed all the Mother's Day "stuff" for sale everywhere--cards, flowers, boxes of chocolates, journals, books on motherhood--the list goes on. As I perused thinking of my own mom I wondered what do I want for Mother's Day? Inevitably my husband always asks--and usually all I want is a few more minutes in bed and maybe a day off from breakfast duty. But this year was different. This year my heart sighed. This long adoption journey has taken us down roads we never dreamed of. God has lead the way teaching us lessons in patience I never thought existed. Teaching us that He is Bigger than All This .
Sunday the phone rang. God is bigger. It was the stateside adoption coordinator. She was calling to let us know we had a case number. All I could say was "you got to be kidding." I was in shock --although now that I look back I don't know why. Did I think God wasn't listening? That he couldn't do it? I dunno. But He did. Now the amazing miracle of waiting 21 months for a case number isn't really the truly amazing part. The crazy amazing part is this. The new director of IBESR (Haitian DHS) made the decision to close IBESR until July 29th. This is an effort to clear out the back log of cases.