Wayoum Timoun is an oasis. The children are very happy, fed, clothed. They have access to clean water, school and church. They have an incredible staff of women and young men who care for their needs--and of course there is Papi--Pastor Riguad. He is the surrogate daddy to all 60 plus children.

When we first arrived I was completely overwhelmed with emotion. Rich introduced us to Wisler as mum and dad. We could not talk. We were so nervous--afraid he would not like us, I had all these Creole phrases ready in my head and could not talk... all I could do was cry. He immediately took our hands and led us upstairs to the roof and guest quarters. It is a very special privledge for them to up on the roof near the guest quarters. Only the chosen are allowed. To try and break the ice (after I got myself under control) I took out the scrapbook we made him. He seemed really unsure at first but warmed up once he saw the picture of the moto bicyclette at Grandma Kay's house. He was so sweet repeating the names of everybody as I introduced them. It was a wonderful moment. Brian and I needn't have worried so about him liking us...God conceived him in our hearts and us in his.

Wisler loves basketball so McGyver...uh I mean Brian made him a hoop out of wire he found on the roof, duct tape and mosquito netting. He loved it. The kids played bball for several hours.

We loved spending time with our little guy. We made crafts, had a sing along with Spring, went out for ice cream, snuggled and tickled, played ball, read stories and just cherished every precious moment of bonding time. It was incredible and bittersweet. It was very difficult to leave our little man---we know he is well cared for and safe, but there is nothing like a mama and dad.
It helps to know where he is and what he is doing as we have been a part of his daily life. We know God is in control and will bring him home in His perfect timing. In the meantime we are 3/4 done with paperwork...just need to: finish notarizing, authenticating, translating and send off the dossier. We paid our first installment and now have a copy of his abandonment decree and will soon have copies of his birth certificate and medical records.
Pray for us. Pray for Wisler. Pray for all the children at the orphanage that they find mums and dads to love them. Pray for more money to expand and reach more children. Please check out their new website....and if God leads you ....help.