Wisler Estimable is 6 years old. He was found by Pastor Riguad last May (2009) holding the hands of his two brothers as they wandered the streets of Port au Prince. Pastor Riguad, who runs Wayom Timoun Orphanage in Port au Prince, discovered that the boys' mother had died and their father had left them. Pastor took them in to the orphanage where they are being cared for by a loving family of God's people.
Our Story
Many of you are wondering how this all transpired. Well it is not a short story but if you want to spend time reading it then have at it! Brian and I have discussed adoption since we first were married. It was something we knew we would do...that it was a call on our lives...it just was in God's timing. We have discussed it more in the last year...weighing different options...asking ourselves all the crazy questions...international? local? boy? girl? infant? child? The list goes on. We started researching in the Fall but did not yet feel led to move. Then the earthquake in Haiti happened and I thought hey why don't we adopt from Haiti? Well after some research I discovered that immediately following the quake the Haitian government had closed all adoptions. I was disappointed but my prayer was: "God if this is what you want then have it fall in our laps..." Well needless to say that's exactly what happened! One day while perusing my FB newsfeed I saw my friend Spring was adopting from Haiti. I thought that's cool. I am glad they re-opened adoptions ...and I did not think another thought on it. I am not sure how much time passed after that but at some point Spring posted that they had just discovered that the little 8 year old boy they were adopting had two younger brothers! My heart felt like it was zapped with lightening. I knew without a shadow of a doubt this was the falling in our lap prayer being answered. I emailed Spring and through the course of several weeks Brian and I spent a lot of time praying, talking and listening for God's plan. Finally....He told us and we got confirmation from Spring's family (they had been praying too as to how many God wanted them to adopt) that we would adopt Wisler (pronounced with a short i and french e-kind of a long a sound) the middle boy. Since then God has opened every door...not to say it has been easy by any means but we are fully confident that He will see us through and Wisler will arrive in his new home in God's perfect timing. We are heading to Haiti June 3-7, 2010 to go meet Wisler. It is a requirement from the Haitian government that both parents meet the child before the adoption can progress. We are very excited to go meet our little man. The boys are anxious for him to get here so he can play legos and army men. Ean has even said he will share his trains with him! Kids are great!
Many of you are wondering how this all transpired. Well it is not a short story but if you want to spend time reading it then have at it! Brian and I have discussed adoption since we first were married. It was something we knew we would do...that it was a call on our lives...it just was in God's timing. We have discussed it more in the last year...weighing different options...asking ourselves all the crazy questions...international? local? boy? girl? infant? child? The list goes on. We started researching in the Fall but did not yet feel led to move. Then the earthquake in Haiti happened and I thought hey why don't we adopt from Haiti? Well after some research I discovered that immediately following the quake the Haitian government had closed all adoptions. I was disappointed but my prayer was: "God if this is what you want then have it fall in our laps..." Well needless to say that's exactly what happened! One day while perusing my FB newsfeed I saw my friend Spring was adopting from Haiti. I thought that's cool. I am glad they re-opened adoptions ...and I did not think another thought on it. I am not sure how much time passed after that but at some point Spring posted that they had just discovered that the little 8 year old boy they were adopting had two younger brothers! My heart felt like it was zapped with lightening. I knew without a shadow of a doubt this was the falling in our lap prayer being answered. I emailed Spring and through the course of several weeks Brian and I spent a lot of time praying, talking and listening for God's plan. Finally....He told us and we got confirmation from Spring's family (they had been praying too as to how many God wanted them to adopt) that we would adopt Wisler (pronounced with a short i and french e-kind of a long a sound) the middle boy. Since then God has opened every door...not to say it has been easy by any means but we are fully confident that He will see us through and Wisler will arrive in his new home in God's perfect timing. We are heading to Haiti June 3-7, 2010 to go meet Wisler. It is a requirement from the Haitian government that both parents meet the child before the adoption can progress. We are very excited to go meet our little man. The boys are anxious for him to get here so he can play legos and army men. Ean has even said he will share his trains with him! Kids are great!

As we move through this journey we are praying for God to provide the money needed. We know He will. We are planning a yard sale, bake sale and craft raffle. We are also making this website so that those of you who wish to make a donation to help us bring Wisler home can do so.
If you would like to help us out I have set up a paypal account under my email account louisej12@gmail.com
OR you can snail mail us a check @
13 Giroux St.
Auburn Maine 04210
Thanks in advance and help us get Wisler home!!!!